Mission Statement
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The mission of Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama is to introduce people to dance-theater and develop a cultural, educational and artistic exchange between New York and communities in Argentina, Chile, and Italy.
Teaching and performing worldwide emboldens, promotes and enriches people, communities and dance, transcending socio-political and cultural boundaries. Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama strives to create an audacious, intimate and unique dance language that opens a dialogue about: creativity, memory, fantasy, reality and social awareness within a global community. The solo and ensemble pieces of Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama's repertory is an uncommon blend of traditional modern dance (the lineage of Humphrey-Limon, Graham and Sokolow), ballet and ethnographic folk traditions.
Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama's commitment is to stimulate and encourage audiences to identify with the characters performing and undergo a catharsis of their own impulses and desires, removing the 4th wall that separates artist from audience. The search for the essential drama is transparent, so that the audience is wholly involved in the transformative process. Both the dancers and the audience fuse in a psychological and emotional experience.
Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama’s mission is achieved through
1. Performing / Touring
Different programs tailored to suit any venue include:
performances, master classes, lectures/demonstrations, and pre- or post-performance discussions. Educating an audience is also a priority, so including a didactic aspect while on tour is always emphasized.
2. Education and Outreach Programs
Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama offers a variety of educational programs, holding regular classes in New York, along with: lectures/demonstrations, master classes, workshops and residencies for primary and secondary schools, universities and colleges, dance studios, cultural centers and any institution.